--To get to Floppy A from "my documents": Click the black arrow. From the
drop down window click on 3 floppy A:/
--To change the file name: One click
on the icon, wait for 2 seconds and give it another click. Type on the new name
or use the insertion cursor to add or remove what you need or no longer do
--For a large amount of text or graphic to save, use Zip drive. Do not
confuse it with zip program.
A-The first list we learn now is the "definition list"
If you have more to add to the list, you just add another "dt" to each new
Now go ahead and add "bold" and a new header to the line Health Care
if you like.
It should look like so:
Start with:
"dl". Add "dt".
Type "Computer Information".
Type "Technical information for html enthusiasts. Close the tags at
their proper places. Then start the ordered list. Do not forget the closing
"dl" tag at the end, and the headers also.
The whole thing will look like
A basic hyperlink tag looks like this:< a href="http://www.(location of the site )">( the description of it)<( /a)> The round brackets are mine.
To add an hyperlinks from outside source:
Medical links
Computer links
We did that in class. Now for the sake of practice, let's continue with the other items also, shall we? For Martha Jefferson Hospital I give you the link to the "CommunityPhonebook". For Health Net the path to UVa Hospital. For Netscape, we might just go to Gus and ask him. For other sites I am giving you the Gordon Library, my hang out. ( notes: The Senior Center web sites has nothing to do with Health Care per se, but come to think of it, it does a lot for our Mental Health.)
So here it goes:
The web site would look like this to the viewers:
Medical Links
Try this after the body tag:
body bgcolor="pink"
body bgcolor="black"( I took the liberty of omitting
the <-->, so they may show here). With the last one you will have to
make the font color very light.
You will find a chart of all colors and coded names in all Html books.
i.e."#77ffff " is aqua.