chess, like playing a sport or a musical
instrument, is said to bring much gratification
and even inner peace. Once one has learned the
rules of the game, one will be compelled to play
further in order to improve and develop skills
and strategies. The chessboard is a battleground
on which pieces from two opposing sides attack
and counter-attack each other; they seek to
capture the opposing teams pieces, in order
to achieve the final goal of checkmate:
the capture of the opposing players King.
However, the moves allowed are determined and
limited by the nature of the pieces. Each chess
piece can only move in a certain and specific way
on the board. While the
King is the most important piece, the Queen is
the most powerful, as she is allowed the most
freedom in her moves. Bishops, Knights, Rooks and
Pawns are used to capture opposing pieces and
thereby remove them from the board. Check
occurs when a players King is threatened,
but not fatally. Checkmate
ends the game, when the King is trapped without
any chance of escape. The player may concede the
game before this humiliating situation occurs, in
order to start a new game.
Playing chess helps one
to think strategically as it forces the mind to
deal with both spatial and temporal
configurations. As well, it demands concentration
and focus, for the possible sequences of moves
are countless. Even though the game of chess has
had a long history, nobody can yet claim to
having played a perfect game.
Chess helps fight short-term
memory loss caused by natural aging. It enhances
patience and stimulates focused attention. If you
would like to sharpen your mental skills, why not
take up Chess?
The Chess Club of the
Senior Center has openings for many members. Men,
women, beginners, all are welcome. The past
leader of the club for many years was a woman. (see
picture above). The club meets every Wednesday
from 1 to 4 PM in the Craft Room facing the
elevator on the second floor. See you there !
For more details, please
call : Ben Barsel (434) 293-4121 or the front
desk at the Senior Center. (see details in foot
notes below)