Senior Center
HTML class at the
Senior Center(continued)
Teacher: Gus
Lesson Ten
We are going to make a Website
- First Gus re-introduces all the files he made for the class (see Lesson
Nine) as well as Gil's and Bruce's home pages.
- Quick review on things we have to be ready for:
- getting a web space from our ISP
- preparing our pages
- using FTP to transfer our pages to the Internet.
A- Create a folder called Web site
- Create the Web site folder.
- Go to Gus's home page and save it in our floppy A as Web site. The url
shows that we are on A:/ drive. So we know that we are not "on line".
- View source from Home page.
B- Save an image to the Web site file
- Open the 1st link from Home page.
- Right click the picture (the depressing one) and save it to the Web site
as file imgpg .
- Go to the Source Code and notice that the file path is (img
src="nohtml.jpg). Notice also that you can compress the measurement of the
picture to your liking. You can put an "alt="after the path and write a short
description of the picture after that. That is when the viewer would rather
skip the picture to go on with reading or seeing other pictures instead. S/he
still knows what s/he is missing. Gus said it was a form of politeness from
the webmaster. Bruce said that if you hoover the pointer over the picture you
can read the description alt.
You can use Photo Editor or any software
like Photo Deluxe, Photo Shop, Paints to edit your picture. In Picture Map you
can choose to save only part of the picture, like one person in a group, one
note on a paper sheet, and single it out to use it.
- Back to Homepage, click on the link and "bingo"! the page you saved is on.
And you are not even on line.
C- Sand traps
- Every tine you make changes in the Source code page, "save as" with a new
name, you may want to use the old name plus a digit 1,2,or 3 so you don't risk
to lose the file.
- Make sure you have enough space on your floppy. In other words watch your
- Write everything in lower case, although sometimes you may see that things
come back to you in upper case.
- Notice the difference between local links and outside web links.
Exception: When you are not online and you click an outside link by mistake,
instead of showing you the annoying window with this line "sorry, cannot
display" the browser thinks it is told to go online and it does. And the web
page is open. Try the HTML Goodies url. as an example.
End of Lesson Ten
©: Jenny 2002