The Ceramics Group
The Ceramic Group works in the Craft Room on the Second Floor at the Senior Center. Novella Mawyer, owner of Lazy Daisy Ceramics and The Paintin' Place offers a fun, therapeutic, creative time for all. The Group started downtown in the old Center with 6 members. We now have 12 to 15 members who meet each Tuesday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. You can make whatever you choose to do from greenware which is a liquid clay also called "slip". The clay is poured into a mold until it is leather-hard then taken out and air-dried. Then the seams are smoothed out and all imperfections removed. The piece is then fired in the kiln and your creative imagination starts flowing, as you begin to think of colors and ideas to decorate your original art piece. Our members have made bowls, figurines, boxes, lamps, music boxes, casserole dishes, plates, cups, Christmas trees, garden items, and more. All the dishes are made using food-safe glazes and can go in dishwashers and microwaves. Each piece is a truly unique work of art. This is a great way to say :"I love you" with all your gifts you need throughout the year like Birthdays, Weddings, Showers, Thank-yous, etc... Drop by any Tuesday morning and check us out! You will hear the laughter as you ride the elevator up. We celebrate our members' birthdays once a month. To join, you only have to pay the Senior
Center $15.00 a year and you can use all the colors and
glazes. Brushes, tools, greenware will be purchased by
you. |