Hello! I hope
you enjoy visiting these pages as much as I did when I
was creating them. Please feel free to give
suggestions or comments. My sincere thanks go to my
friends Mark, Craig and Luke who have patiently taught me
everything I know. There are 19 pictures in this page for
you to choose. Thanks Nhan who gave me the computer and
Clara, Maggie and my children Thi and Thu who encouraged
me to learn the art. Thanks Carina !! Last August
update was with the Kayaking trip on the Rivanna River
with Mark. I truly enjoyed it ! Lately I just found an old photo with me and Einstein
that I loved so much! I like to share it with you. Added are a couple more from the last Birthday and
Thanksgivings of mine. There goes the year 2001!
Have a great coming New Year. I wish everyone the best.
Wendy is VanThi's best friend and God Mother to Clara.
You can see her with me here a lot.