Links of Interest to Seniors in the
Computer Club
Prepared by Jenny Hoang
Date this page is last edited: September26 2004
Hot links with Tips and Tricks
- The Internet. Tutorials on the Internet
Internet for beginners. Tutorials on:
*Popup killers - *Parent (or grandparent) control - *Building web site - *Printing a webpage - *Learn how to download - Seach companies on line.
HTML Editors
Carl Davis's HTML Editor
Introduction to
- A beginner's guide to HTML by Dave.
- How to write
your own Web page using HTML.
Cup HTML Editor
- This link will lead you to: Shaware Cnet; Type "ftp" in the search box to get all you need in "FTP" downloading.
.Another associated link of Coffee
Cup Editor, "Cnet download" also has these features:*image gallery.*text
wizard.*tags and automatic sizing.*flash wizard.*frame, table, font
designer.*On line help.
- Web design
- Java Scrip goodies
Free HTML online
Training Course and Creating your Own Web page.
- From "E - Learning Center 10 week course free. -
Class covers: * Basic HTML. * Text manipulation.* Lists.* Images. * Linking.*
Table.* Frames.* Overview of forms
Cool links
Arts and Humanities
Health and Medicine:
Jefferson Hospital Charl'ville
- UVA Health
To send an E-card to a patient, simply click the link above and look for the banner that says "Send an E-Card to a Patient" at the lower left hand side. Send love, greetings and good wishes in seconds to a current in-patient in UVA hospital.
- Medline plus
offers a large range of
information on:
* Health News.* Health Topics.* Drugs.* Med. Dictionaries.
*Directories.(Location of Doctors, Dentists and Surgeons.) *FAQs
The site is updated regularly in English and Spanish.
Ask Dr. Weil
Also go to Dr.Weil Self Healing Page.
- QuackWatch
is a great help against the wave of
false and maldisclosed sources of health from emails and gossip news.
Computers and Technology:
Back to Hot links
Back to Cool links
Back to Computer Club Website
To Jenny's Website I
To Jenny's Website II.
To the Senior Center Website
