Senior Center
HTML class
at the Senior Center (continued)
Teacher: Gus
Lesson 11
1 - Review on:
- Making a shortcut: Right click on desktop, choose "create a shortcut"
- Deleting a shortcut: Deleting a shortcut would not hurt the original file
at all.
- Uninstall a program: Some times they ask you if it's ok with you for them
to delete certain files. How do we know? That's their job, right?
2 - Visit "Paint"
- Learn to use eye drop and filler, learn to pick up different colors.
- Undo.
- Save pictures as jpg, gif, or bitmap. Bitmap is for large files, gif is
for cartoon or animated pictures while jpg works better with photographs.
- Editing pictures is done better with bitmap.
3 - Photo Suite.
Gil gives a short (too short) demonstration of Photo Suite. Says he will show
us how to made a collage next week.
4 - Some tips.
- To edit cells: right click on the cell, click properties.
- To get rid on one cell on a table with many rows and columns: Click
"table"on the menu command, select colums/row, then press "delete" key.
- When you return the next day to view the source code, you might find a lot
of details (i.e. % 2..) added on to your notepad text. Never mind that and
don't panic.
- No capitalize please!
- When save from the web page, the box "save file as" is at the right bottom
side of the small window.
- Bruce suggests that we save all our pictures and files in a folder and in
our A:\ floppy first. Then we can transfer the files to our web page that we
should name "index.html". Gus says then we can really have a class.
End of lesson 11.

ŠJenny 02